Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I’m a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently ...Read more
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THE IOWA🌾🌽 COCK-US🍆🍆💦💦 IS UPON US 💦💦💦😪😫 we will find out IF WE GOT REPUBLICAN🐘 RIM JOBS👅 💦 OR DEMOCRAT🐴 DICK🍆🍆. an ELEPHANT 🐘never forgets and neither will your ASS🐴🍑!! time to DANCE 💃💃on those POLLS📍. so trim✂️💇🏾 that JEB BUSH🌳 and get ready to FEEL THE BERN🔥🔥 in your HILLARY CLIT-ON 🙆🏻and if your ...Read more
If we’re together 👫💏 We gon act silly 😜😋 We gon act freaky👅💦 We gon be loyal ✊💯🔐 Dick Cheney made money off the Iraq War 😩💣 WE gon be US 😘💯💏
Pull up‼️ 2️⃣ the Capitol (but not like an insERECTION 🔥🇺🇸) because today 🗓️ the new ✅ COCKgress 🍆👨⚖️ is being sworn in 🤭 say goodbye to NERVOUS NANCY 😎❤️ and COCKsy voting 🤧😷🤒 and hello to “my Kevin” (if the FREEDOM 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 COCKUS lets him win 😂😳) on the 69th ballot 👌🏼☠️ CUM watch ...Read more
I have noticed that, although America has 328.2 million people, I am not receiving 328.2 million votes on my election. I’m not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these “friends” are forgetting to vote for me. Either way, I’ve had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individuals who have “forgotten” to ...Read more
✓ Obesity ✓ 💥🔫 ✓ Laziness ✓ Stupidity ✓ 🌵 ✓ McDonald’s ✓ Donald Trump ✓ $70k College ✓ Bad healthcare ✓ Bad food ✓ Bad music ✓ Fahrenheit ✓ Pounds ✓ Inches ✓ AMERICAN TEST PASSED
I am a muricunt born in america, the land of the fat and the free. I am proud of my awful education, horrible medical care, terrible society and religious gunwielding fanatics. With my natural 260 lbs, please stop talking trash about my mediocre country which is a collection of all the human scum EU and ...Read more