Ok 👍boomer👴, I’ve🙋 actually had enough🙅 of your👇 talking🙊. You 👇should contemplate❓ life 👶and lay 🛀off ❌the Monsters👾. The thought💭 of you👇 having a heart💓 attack 💔brings📬 a huge 🙌smile😃 to my face😐. You have no idea💭 how much the world🌎 wants you to die💀. Stop🙅 trying to relate👬 to everyone🌏 because you👇 are old👴, ...Read more
Category: Boomer
A boomer is a person who was born between 1946 and 1964. As we all know, the next generation is always lazier, more spoiled, and in all ways worse than the previous one. Because of this, the co-existence of boomers and us non-fossils is not always easy. See these fine pieces of boomer copypastas!
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Please😳 rise 😎 for the 🤨 national 🏁 anthem 🎶 of boomers 🤪 🎺🎺🎺 Video Games 🎮 cause violence 😡👊🏼, Phone 📱 bad 👎, book 📚 good 👍 I hate 😒 my wife 👰 Pause ⏸️ the Fortnite 🥇 please 😤 Funny 🤣 Facebook 😜 minion 🤭 memes 🤪